School Safari is an excellent and exciting supplement to your school program which will inspire students of all ages through an interactive learning experience in the nature around Enisala Safari Village.
School Safari can stand as an addition to theory based activities in school, to enhance and fix the knowledge acquired during the school classes.
Topics are chosen by teachers from each school, based on school curriculum and cover:
- Biology – direct observations of wildlife, ecology studies in natural habitats, impact of human activities on nature, field analysis of water purity, microscope observations.
- Geography – from sea shore to mountains, in Northern Dobrudja can be observed and studied all kinds of landforms: wetlands in Danube Delta, lagoons (Razim-Sinoe lake complex), plains and hills, Macin mountains, Danube River, dune sands and sea shore, Danube Delta Museum of Tulcea. All of this in a short range and easily accessible.
- History and archaeology – Enisala Foretress, Histria, Argamum Fortress, History and Archaeology Museum of Tulcea, various archaeological sites in close vicinity, ancient churches and monasteries.
- Ethnology – customs and crafts in various villages: romanians, tatars, russian, a harmonious ethnic mosaic. Genuine village culture and life.
School Safari sessions are organized by schools in partnership with Enisala Safari Village, on our infrastructure and logistics. We recommend transport to and from Enisala Safari Village by school bus. Enisala Safari Village is a hospitable and safety place and provides all comfort for our guests.
Prices: 60 euro/day/student, accommodation and three meals included.
Safari Danube Delta provides gratuitousness for three teachers and the bus driver.
Minim for each group: 15 students.
Maxim for each group: 26 students.
Suplementary trips and demands of the group are planned together with Gibi, former teacher graduated in Sweden, the owner of Enisala Safari Village.
Images bellow are from Safari School events organized by American School and British School from Bucharest.
- scool safari in danube delta - rotonda at enisala safari village
scool safari in danube delta - rotonda at enisala safari village
- scool safari in danube delta - on the Vadu beach
scool safari in danube delta - on the Vadu beach
- scool safari in danube delta - going to Histria
scool safari in danube delta - going to Histria
- scool safari in danube delta -enisala safari village arrival
scool safari in danube delta -enisala safari village arrival